Lets read more about Amalie Wichmann

Amalie Wichmann is a handball player for Horsens HK. Amalie Wichmann, a Danish handballer was born on March 4th 1995, in Vallensbaek Strand Denmark. Amalie's height at 28 is 6'0". Currently, she is not involved in any relationship. She has not been in a relationship with anyone. It is difficult to discover her background and whether or not she has ever been married. Accordant to our Database it is not clear if she's had children. Her net worth has grown substantially between 2022 and 2023. Amalie is 28. What does she make? Amalie Wichmann makes the majority part of her earnings from sports. She's Danish. Amalie Wichmann is a model with a net worth that is estimated by her earnings, income and other assets. Amalie is 33 years old and was born in Denmark on the 6th of January 1990. Amalie is a Capricorn.

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